NgramJ logo.How Does it Work? > Software used2007-03-19 09:47:52 v1.0
NGramJ, smart scanning for document properties.

Software used

What is NGramJ?
Getting Started
How Does it Work?
  Technologies Used
  Software used
How to Contribute?
Developer Information
Other Information

For running

Well of course it is a Java project. But beside an arbitrary JRE 1.2 or later (JRE 1.1 probably works when you have the plugin Collection Classes ) following things are (more or less) necessary for NGramJ:

Nothing, unless you want to run the PhoneServlet on your server. The you need a servlet container of course.

For building

Apache Ant 1.6+
Is used as the prefered build tool for NGramJ.
Is used as my favourite XSLT engine, the one built in in JDK1.4 works also, but is slow and memory consuming. Saxon 6.5.x is definately necessary to build this documentation.
Spieleck Zip Task
A Ant-Zip-Task which allows to ad a directory prefix to all files compressed. Making a nicer Zip-file layout without the need to copy files back and forth.

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