001    /*
002    NGramJ - n-gram based text classification
003    Copyright (C) 2001 Frank S. Nestel (frank at spieleck.de)
005    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
006    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published 
007    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
008    (at your option) any later version.
010    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
011    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
013    GNU General Public License for more details.
015    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
016    along with this program (lesser.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
017    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
018    */
020    package de.spieleck.app.ngramj.phoner;
022    import java.util.Map;
023    import java.util.HashMap;
024    import java.util.ArrayList;
025    import java.util.Collections;
027    import de.spieleck.app.ngramj.*;
028    import de.spieleck.util.*;
030    /**
031     * Even better enumeration, does not enumerate the phone
032     * numbers, but their corresponding profiles.
033     */
034    public class PhonerProfileEnum
035        extends PhoneKeys
036    {
037        protected int i, length;
038        protected byte[][] charSets;
039        protected byte[] bytes;
040        protected int[] j;
041        protected int gtcount[], eqcount[];
042        protected IntMap grams;
043        protected boolean notFirst = false;
045        public PhonerProfileEnum(String pnumber)
046            throws IllegalArgumentException
047        {
048            length = pnumber.length();
049            charSets = new byte[length][];
050            for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
051            {
052                String ch = String.valueOf(pnumber.charAt(i));
053                charSets[i] = (byte[])replacers.get(ch);
054                // Non existing characters are taken verbatim
055                if ( charSets[i] == null )
056                    charSets[i] = new byte[] { ch.getBytes()[0] };
057            }
058            bytes = new byte[length+2];
059            // Attach word boundaries at both ends of the number...
060            bytes[0] = bytes[i+1] = (byte)' ';
061            j = new int[length];
062            i = 0;
063            j[0] = -1;
064            grams = new IntMap(3 << (2*length) );
065            // XXX ??? do those dimensions carry thru?
066            // Is it clear that no ngram is there more than length times??
067            gtcount = new int[length+1];
068            eqcount = new int[length+1];
069        }
071        public Profile next()
072        {
073    // System.err.println("### "+i);
074            if ( notFirst )
075            {
076                addNGrams(length+1, -1);
077                i--;
078            }
079            notFirst = true;
080            while ( i >= 0 )
081            {
082                j[i]++;
083                int i1 = i+1;
084                if ( j[i] >= charSets[i].length )
085                {
086                    addNGrams(i1, -1);
087                    i--;
088                } 
089                else
090                {
091                    if ( j[i] > 0 )
092                        addNGrams(i1, -1);
093                    // Add the new byte
094                    bytes[i1] = charSets[i][j[i]];
095                    i = i1;
096                    addNGrams(i, 1);
097                    if ( i == length )
098                    {
099                        addNGrams(length+1, 1);
100    if(false)
101    {
102    System.err.println();
103    for(int k = 0; k < length+2; k++) System.err.print(bytes[k]+" ");
104    System.err.println();
105    java.util.Enumeration en = grams.keys();
106    while ( en.hasMoreElements() )
107    {
108        Object o = en.nextElement();
109        int n = grams.get(o);
110        if ( n > 0 )
111        {
112            System.err.println("> "+n+" "+o);
113        }
114    }
115    for(int k = 1; k < length; k++) System.err.println(k+".: "+gtcount[k]+" "+eqcount[k]);
116    }
117                        return returnProf;
118                    }
119                    else
120                    {
121                        j[i] = -1;
122                    }
123                }
124            }
125            return null;
126        }
128        protected void addNGrams(int pos, int off)
129        {
130            int len = 0;
131            while ( len < 5 )
132            {
133                int start = pos - len;
134                if ( start < 0 )
135                    break;
136                len++; // we allready need len+1 below here
137                NGram ng = NGramImpl.newNGram(bytes, start, len);
138                int cng = grams.get(ng);
139    // System.err.println("~ "+off+" "+ng+" "+cng);
140                if ( off > 0 )
141                {
142                    if ( cng != grams.getNullValue() )
143                    {
144                        gtcount[cng]++;
145                        eqcount[cng]--;
146                        cng += off;
147                        grams.put(ng, cng);
148                        eqcount[cng]++;
149                    }
150                    else 
151                    {
152                        // we don't care about zero counts! gtcount[0]++;
153                        eqcount[off]++;
154                        grams.put(ng, off);
155                    }
156                }
157                else
158                {
159                    if ( cng != grams.getNullValue() )
160                    {
161                        eqcount[cng]--;
162                        cng += off;
163                        grams.put(ng, cng);
164                        gtcount[cng]--;
165                        eqcount[cng]++;
166                    }
167                }
168            }
169        }
171        public byte[] getRes()
172        {
173            return bytes;
174        }
176        protected Profile returnProf = new Profile()
177        {
178            public double getRank(NGram ng)
179            {
180                // It is enough to return a Pseudorank
181                // since the evaluation is very coarse:
182                int n = grams.get(ng);
183                if ( n == grams.getNullValue() || n == 0 )
184                {
185    // System.err.println(ng+" null");
186                    return 0.0;
187                }
188                else 
189                {
190                    double h = gtcount[n] + 0.5 * ( eqcount[n] + 1 );
191    // System.err.println(ng+" "+h);
192                    return h;
193                }
194            }
195        };
196    }